2008年7月16日 星期三

How to convert .wav files to .gsm for Asterisk use

Convert a .wav file(VIO voice greeting-VP1.wav) to .gsm

Ubuntu 7.10
Sound files of Asterisk is put under /var/lib/asterisk/sounds

1. Copy VP1.wav onto Desktop

2. Install sox : ae@Asterisk-PBX:/$sudo apt-get install sox

3. convert file to gsm format :
If your WAV file was in stereo, add the -c1(c one) option to convert to mono, or the output will sound very strange
ae@Asterisk-PBX:/$sox VP1.wav -r 8000 -c1 VP1.gsm resample -ql

4. put the .gsm file into Asterisk sounds folder :
ae@Asterisk-PBX:/$sudo cp VP1.gsm /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/

5. modify extensions.conf to use the new voice prompt

