2008年11月10日 星期一

Replacing Windows XP Files with the EXPAND Command

這篇文章介紹了一種方式, 讓EU在使用XP時如果發現某個native系統檔案損毀, 或是什麼自行少掛時, 不必使用重安裝或修復安裝這種危險的方式。

例如: 發現系統中沒有應有的MS Sans Serif字型時. 先打開安裝光碟看看 \i386 目錄裡是否有

Sserife.fo_ 這個壓縮檔. 如果有, 執行以下指令:

expand E:\i386\Sserife.fo_ C:\Windows\Fonts\Sserife.fon

OK, MS Sans Serif 字型就安裝進去了。

ps. 小小抱怨一下; 明明MS San Serif是製作多國語系AP UI最不可或缺的字型, 偏偏在安裝英文XP時往往預設就沒裝進去. 這不是在整人嘛~~


Replacing Windows XP Files with the EXPAND Command


Posted By Dan DiNicolo On April 17, 2007 @ 5:53 pm In Windows Commands | Comments Disabled

Given the explosive growth or viruses and other malicious email attachments, it’s no surprise that critical XP system files will occasionally become damaged corrupted. Certainly these issues aren’t the only cause of file issues, but if your system fails to boot or is displaying error messages relating to a certain file, it may be time to replace it with the original version from your [1] Windows XP CD. When stored on the CD, these files are compressed, with a filename ending in an underscore “_” character. To replace an installed version of the file with one from CD, use the EXPAND utility. For example, to replace a file from CD such as the Windows Task Manager utility, the command would be EXPAND d:\i386\taskmgr.ex_ c:\Windows\system32

Note: When using the EXPAND command to replace files, be sure that the source files on the CD are of the same version as those currently installed. In other words, to replace a file on a Windows XP system with SP2 installed, be sure to use a Windows XP with SP2 source CD.

Written by Dan DiNicolo - [2] Visit Website

參考文件:How to expand Windows XP files from the installation disk
