2008年9月19日 星期五

Asterisk 1.6 Installation with libss7

1. Obtaining Linux Source Code
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install gcc
apt-get install g++
apt-get install gcc-c++
apt-get install linux-kernel-dev
apt-get install cvs
apt-get install libssl-dev
apt-get install zlib1g-dev
apt-get install libnewt-dev
apt-get install bison
apt-get install bison-dev
apt-get install openssl
apt-get install openssl-dev
apt-get install gnutls-dev
apt-get install ncurses
apt-get install ncurses-dev
apt-get install zlib
apt-get install zlib-dev
apt-get install libssl-dev
apt-get install initrd-tools
apt-get install procps
apt-get install unixDOBC-dev
apt-get install libtool
apt-get install subversion
apt-get install libncurses5-dev

2. Obtaining Asterisk Source Code
cd /usr/src/
wget http://downloads.digium.com/pub/asterisk/asterisk-1.6-current.tar.gz
wget http://downloads.digium.com/pub/libpri/libpri-1.4-current.tar.gz
wget http://downloads.digium.com/pub/zaptel/zaptel-1.4-current.tar.gz
wget http://downloads.digium.com/pub/telephony/libss7/libss7-1.0-current.tar.gz

3. Extracting the Source Code
cd /usr/src/
tar zxvf zaptel-1.4-current.tar.gz
tar zxvf libpri-1.4-current.tar.gz
tar zxvf asterisk-1.6-current.tar.gz
tar zxvf libss7-1.0-current.tar.gz

4. The Zapata Telephony Drivers
cd /usr/src/zaptel-version
make clean
make menuselect
make install
make config

5. Compiling libpri
cd /usr/src/libpri-version
make clean
make install

6.Compiling libss7
cd /usr/src/libss7-version
make clean
make install

7. Compiling Asterisk
cd /usr/src/asterisk-version
make clean
make menuselect
make install
make samples
make config

8. Asterisk auto-run
gedit /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
astrundir= /var/run/asterisk

9. manager.conf
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user

Telnet local-host 5038
Asterisk Call Manager/1.0
Enter below
action: login
username: evanwu
secret: testing123
