2008年9月5日 星期五

How to build Multiple OS by using BootITNG

To create mutiple OS.
In this case, WindowsXP_TC,WindowsXP_EN,Ubuntu 8.04,IP-PBX(AsteriskNOW)

Before Start
1. Prepare a new HDD(a 250GB sata2 HDD)
2. Prepare CDs needed,(BootITNG, WindowsXP-TC, WindowsXP-En,Ubuntu 8.04,AsteriskNOW)

1. First boot
Use BootITNG disc to boot,it will then ask if you want to install BootItNG,follow the instructions to complete installation
Notice: When asked if allowed more than 4 primary partition, click yes

2. Create Partitions

click Partition work,in this example I created partitions list like this
Ubuntu 8.04,50G,Linux Native
Ubuntu swap,2G,Linux Swap
IP-PBX,10G,Linux Native
IP-PBX swap,4G,Linux Swap

3. Create Boot Menu
Create 4 boot options: WindowsXP_TC, WindowsXP_EN, Ubuntu 8.04, IP-PBX
Notice: When creating Ubuntu 8.04 and IP-PBX, don't forget to fill swap partition into HD-0's 2nd posiition

4. Install WindowsXP_TC
Set WinXP_TC partition to be active(From boot menu, choose it to boot)
Notice:first time you try this, it may tell you that this media is not bootable, it doesn't matter.
Insert WindowsXP_TC CD and boot from it, follow the instructions to finish installation
Notice: You can only see Drive C(20G) and Drive D(20G) during installation

5. Install WindowsXP_EN
Set WinXP_EN partition to be active(From boot menu, choose it to boot)
Notice:first time you try this, it may tell you that this media is not bootable, it doesn't matter.
Insert WindowsXP_EN CD and boot from it, follow the instructions to finish installation
Notice: You can only see Drive C(15G) and Drive D(20G) during installation

6. Install Ubuntu 8.04
Set Ubuntu 8.04 partition to be active(From boot menu, choose it to boot)
Insert installation CD and boot from it, follow the steps
Notice:During partitions setting, choose manual,mount "/" to the 10G space and "swap" to the 2G space
When installation finish, reboot, now you find you only can boot with Ubuntu's grub

7. Set BootITNG back
Insert BootITNG CD and reboot, choose "Reactivate" and then restart
After that , you can not boot Ubuntu by selecting "Ubuntu 8.04" from boot menu

8. Set Ubuntu bootable
Insert Ubuntu 8.04 liveCD and reboot, enter live desktop, then open a terminal window
follow the steps below
a) sudo grub
b) find /boot/grub/stage1 (Note:this will give you location of the boot partition) For me it came back as (hd0,2)
c) root (hd0,2) (note: use whatever comes up in b above)
d) setup (hd0,2)
e) quit
Reboot system, and try to bootUbuntu 8.04 from boot menu,it should work now.

8. Install IP-PBX
We use AsteriskNOW to be our IP-PBX
Set IP-PBX partition to be active(From boot menu, choose it to boot)
Insert AsteriskNOW CD and reboot
Follow the installation steps, choose the "Expert Mode"
During partitions setting, choose manual,mount "/" to the 10G space and "swap" to the 4G space
Finish installation, reboot, now you can boot with AsteriskNOW's grub

8. Set BootITNG back
Insert BootITNG CD and reboot, choose "Reactivate" and then restart

Now you should be able to boot between WindowsXP_TC, WindowsXP_EN, Ubuntu 8.04, and IP-PBX

In Next article, I will introduce how to backup these partitions.
